Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Call for submission of films: Asian Freedom Film Festival 2006

(Photo from Pusat Komas)

We continue to accept submissions for the Asian Freedom Film Festival which will take place on December 10-12, 2006 in Cebu City, Philippines. It is organized by the Migrant Forum in Asia and Pusat Komas, in cooperation with Freedom from Debt Coalition-Cebu Chapter. The theme of the film festival is Women and Migration in the ASEAN region. Thus, we will be showing mostly films tackling the issues of women migrants in Southeast Asia.

We are accepting submissions of full-length features, short films and documentaries with focus on the various issues of migration including undocumented workers, forced migration, and internally displaced persons. The films must be about migrants from and working within the ASEAN region. Films from other non-ASEAN countries will also be accepted but they will be shown on the third day of the festival. The films shall be submitted in digital video or DVD format not later than
October 31, 2006.

This film festival seeks to mainstream issues of migrant workers at the Southeast Asian regional level and to utilize the power of images and films to bring about greater awareness on migrants’ human rights issues. Leading migrants' rights advocates, students and human rights activists from the region will attend the film festival during its 3-day run. We will also invite selected film makers to discuss their works.

If you need more information please email us at mfa@pacific.net.hk or call us at (63 2) 4333508. The film festival is supported by the South East Asian Committee for Advocacy (SEACA).

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